热情出租格林威治宿舍(Devonport House)。仅限格林威治的学生。本硕生均可。即日起至明年6月。Ensuite户型,房间内含独立卫浴,其中小冰箱、书桌、床铺一应俱全,可提供生活用品、做到拎包入住。五人共用厨房。室友是格林威治大学的研究生,都很安静。距离学校步行两分钟。开窗便是格林威治公园、阳光明媚,步行五分钟到cutty sark DLR站,周围生活便利。 £171. 92每周。有意者请微信联系zhaoxu373107.
If you are interested in living in the university accommodation this year (the contract can be started from today till next June) please DM (07511071710) or email me([email protected]). This is a standard ensuite room in Devonport House, few minutes walking distance from the campus, with a set fee of £171.92 per week, which includes all the bills and amenities. Thanks.