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定期进入意大利需要护照或其他旅行证件和入境签证,必须在非欧盟公民的原籍国或永久居留地的意大利大使馆或领事馆申请。持有效期最长为 3 个月的短期停留签证,以及涉及以与签证相同的理由授予(长期)居留许可的长期停留,允许进入意大利。
To enter in Italy regularly is necessary a passport or other travel document and an entry visa which must be requested at the Italian embassy or consulates in the country of origin or permanent residence of the non-EU citizen. Entry into Italy is permitted with short-stay visas, valid for up to 3 months, and for long-term stays that involve the granting of a (long-term) residence permit with the same reason as the visa.
旅游签证允许希望以旅游为目的的外国公民,最多停留 90 天,可以短期进入意大利和申根地区的其他国家。
The tourist visa allows foreign citizens wishing to travel for tourism and for a maximum of 90 days to enter Italy and other countries of the Schengen area for a short time.
In 2017, a new sub-category of tourism visa was established, called "Tourism - Visit family/friends" visa.
The application for this visa must be submitted electronically. The foreigner must attach a valid travel document to the application form, on which it is physically possible to affix the visa and, where required, supporting documentation.
In the case of an invitation by an Italian citizen or a foreigner legally residing in Italy, the compilation of the data relating to the invitee was made mandatory during the application phase, since the presence of an invitation letter from relatives or friends it is mandatory
The documents required for issuing a tourist visa are:
在线填写申请表,然后打印在入境签证上; Application form filled in online and then printed on the entry visa; 近期护照尺寸的照片; Recent passport-sized photograph; 有效期至少比申请签证长三个月的有效旅行证件(护照或其他同等标题); Valid travel document with expiry of at least three months longer than that of the visa requested (passport or other equivalent title); 回程或机票预订或个人交通工具的可用性证明; Return or ticket booking or proof of the availability of personal means of transport; 拥有足够的经济资源来支持信用文件的证明; Proof of possession of adequate economic resources to support credit documents; 证明个人社会职业地位的文件; Supporting documentation of one's socio-professional status; 健康保险; Health insurance; 由意大利公民或常住外国人签署的邀请声明。 Declaration of invitation signed by an Italian citizen or a regularly resident foreigner.
对于整个程序,平均等待时间为 60 天。
For the entire procedure, the average waiting time is 60 days.
URKALIA GROUP 旗下 国际律师事务所提供以下专业服务 欧盟各类型移民/居留法规 非盈利性居留移民办理 黄金签证居留移民办理 西班牙签证申请:旅游签证,探亲签证,商务签证申请,陪同翻译 居留类型变更申请:学生居留转工作/老板居留;工作居留和老板居留相互转换; 家庭居留独立成工作/老板/长期居留 欧盟家属居留转非欧盟家属居留,等等 居留更换被拒上诉:居留更新申请被拒绝的情况下,分析原因,寻找合理上诉方案提交上诉 融入报告/看房报告代办:申请扎根居留或家庭团聚常用材料 扎根居留申请/家庭团聚申请 各类cita预约/返乡证申请:居留更换申请受理过程中需要回国的必备材料 商业投资法规,商业并购法规 商业投资项目咨询西班牙商业投资法律 以及相关移民政策的信息咨询服务 西班牙商业投资草拟,审核买卖合同,与开发商/房主磋商 土地/房产法规 房产信息咨询 房产合法性核查 租/买房合同及义务 银行贷款手续代理 房产合法化(房屋买卖合同公证,房产注册处注册,等) 店面和仓库的租赁代理 房产买卖/租赁纠纷处理 学生宿舍,公寓,合租房间的租赁代理 公司注册 注册商标 创业计划 书代拟成立公司 商业合同诉讼 债务汇兑手续 税务法规 税务咨询,财税方案,和管理所有企业的开办手续 新企业在财税局手续(开业、停业、和各种变更) 个人所得税的申报 企业所得税和相应的款项(编制,申报) 季度/月度税(编制,申报) 代理财税检查 非合法居民的财税申报