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GCP律师事务所 -投资者签证
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GCP律师事务所 -投资者签证
  • GCP律师事务所 -投资者签证
  • GCP律师事务所 -投资者签证
  • GCP律师事务所 -投资者签证

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Investor Visa



投资者签证允许在意大利入境和逗留超过 3 个月且在年度配额之外。

The investor visa allows entry and stay in Italy for periods longer than 3 months and outside the annual quotas.


To apply for an investor visa, foreigners must demonstrate that they wish to carry out:

a) 投资至少 2,000,000 欧元的意大利政府发行的证券,并持有至少两年;或者

a) an investment of at least 2,000,000 euros in securities issued by the Italian government and which are held for at least two years; or

b) 至少 500,000 欧元投资于代表一家意大利公司资本的工具,该公司至少维持了两年,如果该公司是一家创新型初创公司,则至少投资 250,000 欧元;或者

b) an investment of at least 500,000 euros in instruments representing the capital of an Italian company maintained for at least two years or of at least 250,000 euros if this company is an innovative start-up; or

c) 捐赠至少 1,000,000 欧元,用于支持文化、教育、移民管理、科学研究、文化和景观资产恢复等领域的公共利益项目。

c) a donation of at least € 1,000,000 to support a project of public interest, in the fields of culture, education, immigration management, scientific research, recovery of cultural and landscape assets.

要获得投资者签证,首先需要通过门户网站 https://investorvisa.mise.gov.it 申请由意大利投资者签证 (IV4I) 委员会签发的 Nulla Osta。

To obtain an investor visa, it is necessary at first to apply for the Nulla Osta, which is issued by the Investor Visa for Italy (IV4I) committee via the portal https://investorvisa.mise.gov.it.

完成表格并上传所需文件后,委员会有 30 天的时间来评估申请并传达结果。签发许可证后,申请人向负责该地区的领事办公室提交签证申请。投资者签证有效期为两年,可在签发后两年内进入意大利。

After completing the forms and uploading the required documents, the Committee has 30 days to evaluate the application and communicate the outcome. Once the permit has been issued, the applicant submits the visa application to the consular office responsible for the area. The investor visa has a duration of two years and can be used to enter Italy within two years of its issue.


Once the investor has entered the national territory, he goes to the competent Police Headquarters to submit the application for a residence permit. The Police Headquarters will take fingerprints and all biometric data and will issue a receipt for the application for a residence permit that will allow him to remain legally in the national territory until obtaining the residence permit. This document allows free movement in Europe and above all the possibility to enter and exit from all national and European borders.

居留证可再续展 3 年,因此在很长一段时间内,显然需要核实使签发第一张居留证合法的要求,并始终由核实投资或捐赠维持的委员会进行干预和与人有关的主观检查。在连续居住五年后,可以选择是续签投资者许可证还是要求为长期居民签发欧盟居留许可证。”

The residence permit is renewable for a further 3 years, therefore for a significant period, obviously subject to verification of the requirements that legitimized the issue of the first residence permit, always with the intervention of the Committee that verifies the maintenance of the investment or donation and with subjective checks relating to the person. After five years of regular residence, it will be possible to choose whether to renew the investor permit or request the issue of an EU residence permit for long-term residents.”





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