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GCP律師事務所 学生居留转换为工作居留
  广告号:12414550  浏览量:
GCP律師事務所 学生居留转换为工作居留
  • GCP律師事務所 学生居留转换为工作居留
  • GCP律師事務所 学生居留转换为工作居留


Conversion of the residence permit for study into a residence permit for work



Non-EU citizens in possession of a valid residence permit for study or professional training reasons can request the conversion of their title into a residence permit for work reasons; the procedure varies depending on whether or not the non-EU citizen has completed a course of study or obtained the final certificate.


So they must forward the application to the competent Single Desk via the online procedure.


The list of educational qualifications after which it is possible to request the conversion:

  • 学位(3年,180个大学学分)

    Degree (3 years, 180 university credits)

  • 专业/硕士学位(300学分,其中学位180大学学分或硕士学位180 CFU)

    Specialized / master's degree (300 credits, including 180 university credits for the degree or 180 CFU for the master's degree)

  • 专业文凭(至少 2 年)

    Specialization diploma (minimum 2 years)

  • 研究博士学位(至少 3 年)

    Research doctorate (minimum 3 years)

  • 一级大学硕士(至少 1 年 - 60 学分),可以获得学位

    1st level University Master (minimum duration 1 year - 60 credits), which can be accessed with a degree

  • 二级大学硕士(至少 60 个大学学分),可以根据 340/90 法律获得大学学位,或者获得专业学位或硕士学位

    Second level university Master (minimum 60 university credits) which can be accessed with a university degree, pursuant to law 340/90 or with a specialist degree or a master's degree

  • 专业证书或文凭(年制 - 60 学分),可根据法律 341/90 或硕士学位获得学位文凭

    Certificate or diploma of specialization (annual duration - 60 credits) which can be accessed with the Degree Diploma pursuant to Law 341/90 or with a master's degree


Conversion requests submitted by:

  • 达到成年年龄后合法居住在本国领土上的外国公民

    Foreign citizens legally residing on the national territory upon reaching the age of majority

  • 在意大利完成相关学习课程并在意大利获得学士或硕士学位的外国公民

    Foreign citizens who have obtained a bachelor's or master's degree in Italy, following the attendance of the relevant study courses in Italy


If, on the other hand, the non-EU citizen has not finished the course of study or has simply completed a training course or an internship, he can obtain the conversion exclusively within the scope of the quotas assigned by the flow decree.


In order to request the conversion it is necessary:

  • 在线提交申请时持有有效的学习许可

    Have a valid study permit at the time of online submission of the application

  • 获得官方认可的资格

    Having obtained the qualification recognized by the Ministry

  • 证明您有合同建议,在转为下属工作的情况下,或证明您已开始自雇

    Prove that you have a contractual proposal, in the case of conversion into subordinate work, or demonstrate that you have started self-employment;

  • 证明您有合适的住宿。

    Prove that you have suitable accommodation.

对于整个程序,平均等待时间为 180 天。

For the entire procedure, the average waiting time is 180 days.

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