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  广告号:12446565  浏览量:
  • 欧盟蓝卡高层次人才工作签证
  • 欧盟蓝卡高层次人才工作签证


EU Blue Card High-level Talent Work Visa


The EU Blue Card is a residence permit provided only for highly qualified workers and whose professional qualifications must be certified by suitable educational qualifications and certificates of professional qualification issued by their countries, and having all the requirements for valid recognition in Italy.

雇主必须将申请欧盟蓝卡签证的特定 nulla osta 提交给主管该领土的移民单一服务台,在拒绝申请的情况下提供:

The application for the specific nulla osta for the EU Blue Card visa must be presented by the employer to the Single Desk for Immigration competent for the territory, producing, under penalty of rejection of the application:

  • 与需要更高专业资格的工作签订至少一年的合同

    Contract with a minimum duration of one year for work that requires a higher professional qualification

  • 外国人的学历

    Foreigner's educational qualifications

  • 表明年薪总额不得低于免除参加医疗保健费用的最低水平的三倍,因此不得低于 24.789 欧元

    Indication of the gross annual salary which must not be less than three times the minimum level for the exemption from participation in health care expenses and therefore not less than € 24.789

  • 有效的旅行证件和有效的居留许可或长期签证

    A valid travel document and a valid residence permit or long-term visa

  • 证明他受益于健康保险

    Proof that he benefits from health insurance;

  • 对于受监管的职业,证明该人符合必要条件的文件,对于不受监管的职业,证明拥有更高的专业资格的文件

    For regulated professions, documents proving that the person complies with the necessary conditions and for non-regulated professions, documents certifying the possession of higher professional qualifications.


如果候选人满足条件并且国家当局决定接纳他,他将收到有效期为 1 至 4 年的欧盟蓝卡。颁发卡的申请必须由候选人或其雇主提交,他们不得受到刑事定罪。

If the candidate fulfills the conditions and the national authorities decide to admit him, he receives an EU Blue Card valid for a period of 1 to 4 years. The application for the issuance of the card must be submitted by the candidate or by his employer, who must not have been subjected to criminal convictions.


With this Charter, third-country nationals can, together with their family:

  • 进入并停留在发行欧盟成员国,离开并通过其他成员国

    Enter and stay in the issuing EU Member State, leave it and pass through the other Member States

  • 进入相关部门的劳动力市场

    Access the labor market in the sector concerned

  • 享受与国民相同的待遇,特别是在工作条件、社会保障、退休、文凭承认、教育和职业培训方面

    Benefit from the same treatment accorded to nationals, in particular with regard to working conditions, social security, retirement, recognition of diplomas, education and vocational training

  • 无论居留许可的期限如何,都要进行家庭团聚

    Carry out family reunification regardless of the duration of the residence permit

如果雇佣关系是无限期的,蓝卡的有效期为两年。如果这种关系是固定期限的,居留许可的期限比雇佣关系到期日长 3 个月。持有欧盟蓝卡和长期居民身份的外国人的家庭成员因家庭原因获得为期两年的居留许可。

The Blue Card has a duration of two years, if the employment relationship is indefinite. If this relationship is for a fixed term, the residence permit has a duration of 3 months longer than the expiration of the employment relationship. Family members of the foreigner holding an EU blue card and long-term resident status are issued a two-year residence permit for family reasons.


The holder of the EU Blue Card can be granted the status of long-term resident (and the EC residence permit for long-term residents is issued) in the presence of the specific requirements and under the appropriate conditions.

经过两年的正常工作,外国人可以在获得任何高素质工作方面获得与国民相同的待遇。在合法居留 18 个月后,外国人可以移居另一个成员国,在那里从事高技能工作(受该国当局就可以接纳的公民人数设定的限制)。

After two years of regular work, the foreigner can receive the same treatment reserved for nationals as regards access to any highly qualified job. After 18 months of legal residence the foreigner can move to another Member State to carry out highly skilled work there (subject to the limits set by the authorities of that State as regards the number of citizens who can be admitted).

对于整个程序,平均等待时间为 90 天。

For the entire procedure, the average waiting time is 90 days.

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