he Coach and Horses, 29 Greek Street, Soho, London is a public house notable for its association with the columnist Jeffrey Bernard, the staff of Private Eye magazine, other journalists and as a haunt for Soho personalities. Its former Landlord, Norman Balon, became famous too – in part for his self-proclaimed title of "London's rudest landlord", but also, presumably, because of his proximity to writers who document his actions and anecdotes.
The interior of the pub was recreated on stage for the biographical play about Bernard's life Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell. The play was successful and Balon's memoirs followed entitled You're Barred, You Bastards.
There has been a pub on the site since the 1700s. The current building dates from the 1850s. Norman Balon's last day at the Coach and Horses was on Monday 22 May 2006 when he officially handed over to the new owner Alastair Choat, who continues to foster the pub's unique identity as a gathering place for writers and thinkers by hosting events such as the fortnightly Private Eye lunch and an excellent pub piano sing-a-long.
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[img=340,503]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-m0AyCQKggNg/UmE0dLWeegI/AAAAAAAAKZY/za3pd12Xvw0/w340-h255-no/The%2BCoach%2B%26%2BHorses" data-bd-imgshare-binded="1">