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海牙房子出租( 房东是海牙大学的老师)
  广告号:6680470  浏览量:
  • 区域:Den-Haag
  • 供求:供房
  • 房源类型:其他
  • 联系电话:点击查看电话

信息如下,要求不抽烟的。可以直接打电话给老师,人很好。+31 649892222 or +32466191473
As I requested you on wechat , I would like you to help me to put an add for me on the chinese site for students housing in the Hague.
It’s about two rooms that are actually rent by two Chinese MBA students that are leaving end of September. Rooms will be available from October 1.
Rooms specification:
9 to 10 square meters
Location :
Hulshorstraat it\'s 12 to 15 mn from the Hague University by tram or bus 26. By bike it\'s 15mn. It\'s near the Zuiderpark 5mn walk.
Room price: €375 a month inclusive internet, TV, washing machine, dish washer etc.. and cleaning.The leaving room is shared.
Conditions: I\'m looking for students that would stay at least a year.
Note that I will share the place with them 3 night a week. May be you can inform them that I\'m a Lecture at the Hague University as well...

For any information I can be contacted on my email or telephone.+31 649892222 or +32466191473.
Thank you for your help.




法国总公司:Sinocom sarl
地址:47 Rue de Turbigo,
75003 Paris,France
意大利分公司:Sinocom Italia Srl
地址:Via Niccolini 29,
20154 Milano, Italia

